Help! I Can’t Find the Bun – Part 2 (diary)

Dear Diary,

I got the surprise of my life today. I thought I was surprised when John proposed to me, but this knocked my socks off.

I walked into the lounge after work. John was home, sitting on the couch, TV off, looking solemn. My heart sank. He said, “We need to talk”… and my heart found a new, previously-unexplored depth to sink to.

But get this… he’s not having an affair. He didn’t get fired.

He wants to start trying for a baby.

I’m so excited. I’ve decided to start this journal to chart the conception, pregnancy, birth and early childhood of our new family member. She or he can read through it later in life and know just what went on. I wish my mum had done this.

– Anna

Help! I Can’t Find the Bun – Part 1

John mulled over his life.

Loving wife, two incomes, nice home, financially secure (as much as anyone can be, these days)…

Now was the logical time to have kidlets. After all, he’d secretly been eyeing off every infant that came his way for years now, wishing that he and Anna had one or maybe four as well.And he knew Anna would be happy… although she probably thought he wasn’t too interested in kids, since he hadn’t wanted to jump straight into baby-making mode after the wedding. He’d wanted some stability, some time alone to just enjoy his gorgeous wife fully.

He jumped up from his chair with a grin. He’d call Anna, then organise a three-course candlelit dinner. That would set the mood. Would she guess? Probably not… she’d think it was something more mundane. Perfect!

Help! I Can’t Find the Bun – Introduction

Help! I Can’t Find the Bun is a long-term fictional project about a couple trying to have children and not having much luck. To (hopefully) make life as easy as possible for readers, I’ll publish each new instalment as a blog entry, and every week or two update a page with the sequential (start to current point, rather than chunks from current point to start – make sense?) story. That way new readers can read the whole thing easily, and old readers who’ve missed a few posts or have bad memories can see what they’ve missed.

Please feel free to provide any ideas you might have on better ways to achieve readability! 🙂